Corporate Governance
Our mission is: ‘To house and support vulnerable veterans to live as independently as possible’
Stoll is a Registered Company Limited by Guarantee (Number 148636) and does not have share capital. We are a Housing Association as well as being a Registered Charity (Number 207939).
Under law Stoll is obliged to ensure that all its activities are carried out to meet the charity’s objects, which are:
- Providing housing and associated amenities and facilities, medical treatment, care, and support for men and women who have served in the Armed Forces of the Crown and Merchant Navy, and who are disabled, vulnerable or infirm.
- Where spare capacity exists, such provisions can be applied to any other person who is disabled, vulnerable or infirm.
- These provisions shall apply equally to disabled, vulnerable or infirm widows or widowers of such persons described above and in the same precedence.
The Board
The Board of Trustees consists of a maximum of 15 individuals, at least 5 of which are Service or ex-Service personnel. The Board reserves powers to maintain overall control of the organisation, but also delegates powers and responsibilities to the following Committees:
- Audit & Risk, Finance and Human Resources Committee
- Housing Services Committee
- Development Committee
The Board may also establish other Committees or Working Groups of Trustees on such terms as it shall see fit to report or make recommendations on specific issues or projects. Whilst day-to-day and operational management is delegated to our Chief Executive, our Board is ultimately responsible for all that we do.