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Jubilee Garden Party Celebrations

Jubilee Celebrations were in full swing at Stoll sites the other week!

Our Stoll veterans were raving to join in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations and so we held our own – across all five sites!

Aldershot was most impressive with rows of food and our many volunteers big and small. It was a wonderful exchange of laughter, raffle tickets (with some GRAND prizes) and a brilliant bluesy session singer too.

Over in Fulham, we were entertained by live music, homemade cakes and an atmosphere which echoed Fulham Broadway. Our gardens were truly transformed and we have our staff and many veterans to thank for their participation.

As a true patriot, we were led into the national anthem by our CEO, Richard, before cutting into the glorious Jubilee cake made for the day.

Many thanks to our Scheme Coordinators for organising this special week: Anne, James, Gill and our Health & Wellbeing Manager, George.